North Carolina Takes First Step on Offshore Wind Study
North Carolina Takes First Step on Offshore Wind Study Source: Energy News Network
North Carolina Takes First Step on Offshore Wind Study Source: Energy News Network
How a Suburban Chicago Mayor Helped Inspire the Biggest Jump in Building Energy Code Improvements in a Decade Greater participation by cities tipped the balance toward more ambitious efficiency measures in the latest model code. Energy News Network
How a Suburban Chicago Mayor Helped Inspire the Biggest Jump in Building Energy Code Improvements in a Decade Greater participation by cities tipped the balance toward more ambitious efficiency measures in the latest model code. Energy News Network
United States and Canada Release 2019 State of the Great Lakes Report Source: EPA
House Democrats to Unveil Green Infrastructure Bill This Week The plan, dubbed "Moving Forward," would specifically provide $434 billion for highway and transit programs, $55 billion for rail, $34.3 billion for clean energy, and $25.4 billion for drinking water. Source: E&E News
Measuring the Impact on America's County Workforce Source:NACo
Where Health Risks Make People Most Vulnerable Source: Policy Map
Here’s How Retirement Communities are Adapting to a Post-Covid 19 World Source: CNBC
North Texas Communities Launch Innovation Consortium A group of 21 local governments around Northern Texas announced the formation of a civic technology-based nonprofit to share best practices and strategies for improving economic resiliency, transportation, infrastructure and emerging public health concerns. By Ryan Johnston / StateScoop
How Counties Are Investing Coronavirus Relief Fund Payments National Association of Counties