‘Speed is Expected’ in Government’s Post-Coronavirus IT Projects
'Speed is Expected' in Government's Post-Coronavirus IT Projects Source: StateScoop
'Speed is Expected' in Government's Post-Coronavirus IT Projects Source: StateScoop
COVID-19 & CARES ACT RESPONSE "In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, our ZoomGrants team has been all hands on deck to assure every grant administrator is supplied the tools to perform their important daily activities." Geoff Hamilton, ZoomGrants Founder & CEO If you are an organization expediting CARES ACT grants, ZoomGrants has dozens of examples of some of [...]
The Holistic Housing Podcast: Connecting Community. Sharing Ideas. Finding Solutions The Holistic Housing Podcast brings together thought leaders, policy makers and program implementers across the affordable housing, community development and economic development field. Learn More
Finding Sanity During an Insane Time Source: Engaging Local Government Leaders
The National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED) NACCED was established as an affiliate of the National Association of Counties (NACo) in 1978 to develop the technical capacity of county government practitioners that administer federally-funded affordable housing, community development, and economic development programs benefiting low- and moderate-income households. NACCED provides information, training [...]
NACo Urges Senate to Consider County Governments in Stimulus Package Source: American City & County
Its OK to Struggle Source: Engaging Local Government Leaders
Working from Home? Ten Tips for Staying Productive By Alan Greenblattt / Governing.com
International Grant Professionals Day (#IGPD) Annual celebration to recognize and show appreciation to all grant professionals. Take time to celebrate the administrators, consultants, managers, grant-makers and grant proposal developers for their beneficial contributions to people, government agencies and nonprofit organizations. IGPD is about honoring grant seekers, grant makers, and grant project managers. Every day, [...]
Organizational Adoption: Preparing for Your Ascent to Internal Buy-In Source: Engaging Local Government Leaders